Set Nedir

Set Nedir ? Set Ne demek ?

1-)Bkz: Secure Electronic Transaction

2-)Toprağın kaymasını veya suyun akmasını önlemek için yapılan kalın duvar.

3-)Bulunulan yerden daha yüksekte kalan düzlük
Örnek:Karşımıza merdivenli bir setin üstünde hamama benzeyen kubbeli bir bina çıktı. R. N. Güntekin


5-)Ateşli silahlarda namlunun içindeki helisin çıkıntı bölümü.

6-)Masa tenisi, voleybol vb. oyunlarda maçın her bir bölümü.

7-)(Mimarlık) Çevresi duvarlı, üstü düz, yerden yüksek yer. a. bk. balkon.

8-)Bk. papil.

9-)Bk. almaç

10-)Bk. düzlük

11-)Boğmak. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: se't)

12-)Koymak; yerleştirmek, takmak, kurmak, hazırlamak; düzenlemek; ayarlamak, belirlemek; batmak (güneş), batmak; oturtmak; yapmak; kararlaştırmak; dizmek; dikmek, ekmek; şekil vermek; kuluçkaya yatırmak; kakma işi yapmak (taş); süslemek; yazmak, çizmek; s

13-)Duruş, oturuş

14-)Batma, batış, gurup

15-)Akıntı veya rüzgarın yönü


17-)Testere dişlerinin çaprazlanması

18-)Meyil, eğilim temayül


20-)Tenis set

21-)Briç yenilgi

22-)Takım, grup, klik


24-)Tiyatro dekor, stüdyo düzlüğü


26-)Televizyon veya radyo alıcısı


28-)Belirli, muayyen


30-)Adetlere uygun


32-)Aynı, basmakalıp




36-)Düzenli, muntazam.

37-)(set, ting) koymak, yerleştirmek

38-)Batmak, kaybolmak

39-)Kuluçkaya yatırmak, kuluçka makinasına koymak


41-)Dondurmak, katılaştırmak

42-)Kurmak, ayarlamak


44-)Doğrultmak, kırık veya çıkığını yerine oturtmak

45-)Yön vermek

46-)Kakma işi yapmak

47-)Bahse girişmek

48-)(saç) sarmak, mizanpli yapmak


50-)Tayin etmek

51-)Donatmak, tanzim etmek

52-)Bulup yerini göstermek (av köpeği)

53-)Dizmek, tertip etmek

54-)Dikmek (fidan)

55-)Pekişmek, katılaşmak, donmak


57-)1) küme, 2) elektriksel aygıt, alıcı,


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Kelime Türü Nedir ?

Bu kelime Bilgisayar Terimidir.

İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To cause to sit; to make to assume a specified position or attitude; to give site or place to; to place; to put; to fix; as, to set a house on a stone foundation; to set a book on a shelf; to set a dish on a table; to set a chest or trunk on its bottom or on end.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Hence, to attach or affix to something else, or in or upon a certain place.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To make to assume specified place, condition, or occupation; to put in a certain condition or state ; to cause to be.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fix firmly; to make fast, permanent, or stable; to render motionless; to give an unchanging place, form, or condition to.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To cause to stop or stick; to obstruct; to fasten to a spot; hence, to occasion difficulty to; to embarrass; as, to set a coach in the mud.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fix beforehand; to determine; hence, to make unyielding or obstinate; to render stiff, unpliant, or rigid; as, to set one's countenance.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fix in the ground, as a post or a tree; to plant; as, to set pear trees in an orchard.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fix, as a precious stone, in a border of metal; to place in a setting; hence, to place in or amid something which serves as a setting; as, to set glass in a sash.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To render stiff or solid; especially, to convert into curd; to curdle; as, to set milk for cheese.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To put into a desired position or condition; to adjust; to regulate; to adapt.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To put in order in a particular manner; to prepare; as, to set a razor; to set a saw.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To extend and bring into position; to spread; as, to set the sails of a ship.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To give a pitch to, as a tune; to start by fixing the keynote; as, to set a psalm.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To reduce from a dislocated or fractured state; to replace; as, to set a broken bone.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To pass below the horizon; to go down; to decline; to sink out of sight; to come to an end.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fit music to words.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To place plants or shoots in the ground; to plant.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To be fixed for growth; to strike root; to begin to germinate or form; as, cuttings set well; the fruit has set well.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To become fixed or rigid; to be fastened.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To congeal; to concrete; to solidify.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To have a certain direction in motion; to flow; to move on; to tend; as, the current sets to the north; the tide sets to the windward.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To begin to move; to go out or forth; to start; now followed by out.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To indicate the position of game; said of a dog; as, the dog sets well; also, to hunt game by the aid of a setter.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To apply one's self; to undertake earnestly; now followed by out.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To fit or suit one; to sit; as, the coat sets well.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fixed in position; immovable; rigid; as, a set line; a set countenance.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Firm; unchanging; obstinate; as, set opinions or prejudices.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Regular; uniform; formal; as, a set discourse; a set battle.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Established; prescribed; as, set forms of prayer.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Adjusted; arranged; formed; adapted.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The act of setting, as of the sun or other heavenly body; descent; hence, the close; termination.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
That which is set, placed, or fixed.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Young plant for growth; as, a set of white thorn.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
That which is staked; a wager; a venture; a stake; hence, a game at venture.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Kind of punch used for bending, indenting, or giving shape to, metal; as, a saw set.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Piece placed temporarily upon the head of a pile when the latter cannot be reached by the weight, or hammer, except by means of such an intervening piece.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Short steel spike used for driving the head of a nail below the surface.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Number of things of the same kind, ordinarily used or classed together; a collection of articles which naturally complement each other, and usually go together; an assortment; a suit; as, a set of chairs, of china, of surgical or mathematical instruments, of books, etc.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Number of persons associated by custom, office, common opinion, quality, or the like; a division; a group; a clique.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Direction or course; as, the set of the wind, or of a current.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
In dancing, the number of persons necessary to execute a quadrille; also, the series of figures or movements executed.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The deflection of a tooth, or of the teeth, of a saw, which causes the the saw to cut a kerf, or make an opening, wider than the blade.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Young oyster when first attached.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Collectively, the crop of young oysters in any locality.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Series of as many games as may be necessary to enable one side to win six.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
If at the end of the tenth game the score is a tie, the set is usually called a deuce set, and decided by an application of the rules for playing off deuce in a game.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
See Deuce.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
That dimension of the body of a type called by printers the width.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The exact meaning varies according to the location where it is used.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Sometimes written sett.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Stone, commonly of granite, shaped like a short brick and usually somewhat larger than one, used for street paving.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Commonly written sett.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Camber of a curved roofing tile.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
SET is a secure protocol designed by MasterCard and Visa to facilitate financial transactions over the Internet Compared with SSL, it places more emphasis on validating both parties to the transaction, and uses trusted servers so that a merchant holds only transaction identifiers, not actual credit card numbers.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
SET is a system for ensuring the security of financial transactions on the Internet It was supported initially by Mastercard, Visa, Microsoft, Netscape, and others With SET, a user is given an electronic wallet and a transaction is conducted and verified using a combination of digital certificates and digital signatures among the purchaser, a merchant, and the purchaser's bank in a way that ensures privacy and confidentiality SET makes use of Netscape's Secure Sockets Layer , Microsoft's Secure Transaction Technology , and Terisa System's Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol SET uses some but not all aspects of a public key infrastructure.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Secure Electronic Transaction MasterCard and Visa developed this standard jointly to insure secure electronic transactions.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
For sets of feature structures, organized in the same way as sequences For sets containing elements none of which print higher than three times the line height, brackets are scaled from the current font Otherwise scaled braces are constructed in effect.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Secure Electronic Transaction, a protocol developed by Visa and MasterCard to allow secure credit card transactions of the Internet.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Payment standard has been set up in the electronic commerce sector Known as SET this standard is defined by Visa, Mastercard and American Express This system requests from the user his card number and expiry date, which are then encrypted Only the card validity is checked, and not the identity of the person who supplied the information.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Secure Electronic Transfer protocol for exchange credit card information over networks.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The direction towards which the current flows.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
When the score reaches 8 all, hand out must choose before the next service is delivered, either to continue the game to 10 points, which is termed 'Set Two', or declare 'No Set' in which case the first player to reach 9 points wins the game.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Set is a collection of things, without regard to their order.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Delimited collection of values in which the order of the enclosed values is not significant [641 0-B-1] [641 0-G-1].
İngilizcesi İngilizce
An obstacle course which, throughout the rehearsal period, defies the laws of physics by growing smaller week by week while continuing to occupy the same amount of space.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Set is a collection of related things Example: Days of the week.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Secure Electronic Transaction MasterCard and Visa developed this standard jointly to ensure secure electronic transactions.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The manner, state, or quality of setting or fitting; fit; as, the set of a coat.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Several exercises intended to be done in series; 'he did four sets of the incline bench press' the act of putting something in position; 'he gave a final set to his hat' any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; 'the early sets ran on storage batteries' a temporary readiness to respond in a particular way; 'the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution'; 'his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set' the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon; 'before the set of sun' a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; 'a set of books'; 'a set of golf clubs'; 'a set of teeth' an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; 'the set of prime numbers is infinite' an unofficial association of people or groups; 'the smart set goes there'; 'they were an angry lot' evil beast-headed Egyptian god with high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris a unit of play in tennis or squash; 'they played two sets of tennis after dinner' set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; 'set clocks or instruments' put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; 'set the house afire' establish as the highest level or best performance; 'set a record' give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor insert fix in a border; 'The goldsmith set the diamond' put into a position that will restore a normal state; 'set a broken bone' apply or start; 'set fire to a building' locate; 'The film is set in Africa' disappear beyond the horizon; 'the sun sets early these days'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Dam / dike / levee / retaining wall.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Sustaining wall.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; 'a set of books'; 'a set of golf clubs'; 'a set of teeth'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
An abstract collection of numbers or symbols; 'the set of prime numbers is infinite'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Several exercises intended to be done in series; 'he did four sets of the incline bench press'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production; 'the sets were meticulously authentic'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
An unofficial association of people or groups; 'the smart set goes there'; 'they were an angry lot'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way; 'the set of his mind was obvious'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The act of putting something in position; 'he gave a final set to his hat'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Unit of play in tennis or squash; 'they played two sets of tennis after dinner'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization; 'the hardening of concrete'; 'he tested the set of the glue'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Evil beast-headed Egyptian god with high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The descent of a heavenly body below the horizon; 'before the set of sun'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Temporary readiness to respond in a particular way; 'the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution'; 'his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; 'the early sets ran on storage batteries'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Put into a certain place or abstract location; 'Put your things here'; 'Set the tray down'; 'Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children'; 'Place emphasis on a certain point'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fix conclusively or authoritatively; 'set the rules'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Decide upon or fix definitely; 'fix the variables'; 'specify the parameters'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Establish as the highest level or best performance; 'set a record'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; 'set the house afire'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fix in a border; 'The goldsmith set the diamond'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; 'Get the children ready for school!'; 'prepare for war'; 'I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; 'set clocks or instruments'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Locate; 'The film is set in Africa'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Disappear beyond the horizon; 'the sun sets early these days'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Adapt for performance in a different way; 'set this poem to music'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Put or set into the ground; 'Let's plant flowers in the garden'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Apply or start; 'set fire to a building'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Become gelatinous; 'the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Put into a position that will restore a normal state; 'set a broken bone'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Urge a dog to attack someone.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Estimate; 'We put the time of arrival at 8 P.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Equip with sails, masts, etc ; 'rig a ship'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Get ready for a particular purpose or event; 'set up an experiment'; 'set the table'; 'lay out the tools for the surgery'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; 'Adjust the clock, please'; 'correct the alignment of the front wheels'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Bear fruit; 'the apple trees fructify'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Arrange attractively; 'dress my hair for the wedding'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
On the point of or strongly disposed; 'in no fit state to continue'; 'fit to drop'; 'laughing fit to burst'; 'she was fit to scream'; 'primed for a fight'; 'we are set to go at any time'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fixed and unmoving; 'with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare'; 'his bearded face already has a set hollow look'- Connor Cruise O'Brien; 'a face rigid with pain'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Situated in a particular spot or position; 'valuable centrally located urban land'; 'strategically placed artillery'; 'a house set on a hilltop'; 'nicely situated on a quiet riverbank'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Set down according to a plan:'a carefully laid table with places set for four people'; 'stones laid in a pattern'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Being below the horizon; 'the moon is set'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Determined or decided upon as by an authority; 'date and place are already determined'; 'the dictated terms of surrender'; 'the time set for the launching'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Converted to solid form.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Secure Electronic Transaction: A system for encrypting e-commerce transactions, such as online credit card purchases Developed by Visa, MasterCard, Microsoft, and several major banks, SET combines 1,024-bit encryption with digital certificates to ensure security SET is still in development.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
1) Verb - To set is to prepare the stage for the coming scene by placing everything in its correct position 2) Noun - The set is all the scenery, furniture and props used to create a particular scene 3) When an actor has learnt their lines and stage directions they are 'set'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Collection of clubs taken as being together 2 when the wrists are cocked at the top of the backswing Example: 1 I carried only 4 irons, a 3 wood and a putter in my mixed set, while Roland's matched set consisted of 14 clubs 2 A good way to identify the wrist set at the top of the swing is to feel the club pull down on the left thumb.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Of a saw - the bending of the teeth alternately to left and right to give clearance in the cut 2 A nail - to drive the head of a nail beneath the surface of the wood with a special punch.
Fransızcası Fransızca

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Set kelimesi anlamı 56 defa okunmuştur. [188974] Set kelime anlamı, Set nedir, Set ne demek, Set sözlük anlamı
